Danielle Mikaelian is a 3L at Harvard Law School and works as a Legal Fellow at the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Danielle Mikaelian’s journey is a testament to putting yourself out there and getting involved on campus, leading to the achievement of unbelievable success.
Danielle Mikaelian and I start way before her entry into Law School. Before even arriving at Columbia, Danielle Mikaelian would be involved at her high school, as well as her community in big ways. This trend would continue all the way up to today and is something Danielle Mikaelian would make an impactful point about. Danielle Mikaelian after high school would make the cross-country trip, and arrive at Columbia University, to study English.
With mass amounts of internships and jobs throughout her career at Columbia, she would on top of all of this be extremely involved on campus. Danielle Mikaelian would note how valuable it was being involved, from making friends to gaining a global network of connections in the world’s melting pot, she would even go on to say that the best form of learning for her was her involvement on campus. Danielle Mikaelian would start a journal, as well as be a part of one of the only undergraduate Law Reviews in the country at Columbia.
Additionally, she would speak on her legal undergraduate internship, reflecting on the amount of skills she gained, which included practical skills she would use later in Law School, and exposure to the legal profession and various routes would could go down.
We then moved to her entry to one of, if not the most prestigious Law School in the world, Harvard Law School. She would give a window into her first year of Law School, which she loved, but was vigorous, competitive, and a time that needed quick, adaptable learning. She would stress the fact of reaching out to alumni and upperclassmen for advice, utilizing study groups, and consulting those people who did it before her.
Finally, Danielle Mikaelian and I would highlight all of the illustrious awards, programs, and internships she has experienced throughout her time so far at Harvard. She would work as a student attorney in various fields of law, working with early-stage startups, as well as giving incredible advice about Law School admissions, something we on the podcast may come back to later.
Danielle Mikaelian truly is one of the most impressive and accomplished Law Students I have ever encountered. She will be a major player in the legal field, in whatever she decides to pursue, for the years to come. You don’t want to miss this one!
Danielle’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/danielle-mikaelian2146
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